Imagine where life could take you
Chronic back pain dosen’t have to be met with surgery or medication. you deserve an option that’s minimally invasive, effective, and offers a short recovery.
Coolief Cooled RF Treatment can deliver just that. It is a minimally invasive treatment option targeting nerves that are causing pain. Studies have been shown to provide chronic back pain patients with up to 24 months of pain relief, improved physical function and reduced drug utilization.

What is COOLIEF Cooled RF?
COOLIEF Cooled RF is a minimally invasive, outpatient procedure that can safely treat chronic pain. This advanced procedure uses cooled radiofrequency energy to safely target the sensory nerves causing pain. COOLIEF circulates water through the device while heating nervous tissue to create a treatment area that is larger than conventional RF treatments. This combination targets the pain-causing nerves without excessive heating, leading to pain relief.
How long does the procedure take?
Procedure time varies depending on your physician and the treatment you need, but it typically takes between 25 – 45 minutes.
How soon can I go home after the treatment?
Since this minimally invasive outpatient treatment requires no general anesthesia, you should be able to return home shortly after the treatment. A responsible adult is required to be present in order to drive you home.

Is the COOLIEF procedure painful?
Unlike surgery, COOLIEF involves no incision. You may experience some discomfort at the radiofrequency site for a short period, but this discomfort can be treated with common over-the-counter medication.
When can I return to my normal activities?
Recommended rest will vary based on your unique needs and procedure. You can generally return to work and normal everyday activities within several days. Ask your physician for specific information regarding your procedure.

When will I begin to feel pain relief?
You should begin to feel pain relief within one to two weeks. In some patients, the relief can be relatively long-lasting. In others, additional treatments may be required.